“Shusan-Isoku”: Kishio Suga 菅木志雄「集散-囲束」
1997年12月13日-1998年2月1日まで、広島市現代美術館で開催された 菅 木志雄展の会場と、その初日に行われた作家によるイヴェント「集散-囲束」を映像化したものです。
From the interview to Kishio Suga
Normally I use ordinary materials,nothing special.And how I peel off the ordinariness from the materials and objectify them is a great excitement. And it is an agony at the same time. That is why “Events” is a form I would like to keep challenging.
It is important to be able to present the stage of “process” as the way it is. People have their destinations and they try to get there. But there is always “on the way” the process. It is awkward to only recognize the destination and ignore the process. It is rather important to carry these elements of the process all together onto the destination, such as the way you walk, the road you travel, the scenery, what you hear and so forth.

1998年 監督・岸本 康 本編 30分
日本語・French Subtitles・English Subtitles
必ずお読み下さい DVDパッケージについて
Suga Kishio : Shusan-Isoku Home use DVD-R(NTSC)